
Swissnex door

Swissnex is an organization that connects people and ideas from Switzerland and different cities around the world to foster exchange in research, education, innovation, and the arts. Swissnex offices are located in Boston, San Francisco, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Bangalore, Shanghai. Swissnex San Fransisco is located at Pier 17 which is well placed. On […]

Swissnex: a part of Switzerland in the Silicon Valley

If you are walking along the piers in San Francisco, as a swiss citizen, you will probably see a familiar clock, like the ones in railway station in Switzerland, at the beginning of the pier number seventeen. A small part of Switzerland is standing here, between the City and the ocean. Next to the Consulate […]

Two weeks in two minutes

bryant street sign in front of bay bridge

You might be interested into the adventures we had in San Francisco. Well, there is so much to read on this blog, this might be too much for you. So if you only have two minutes available – have a look at our video «Two weeks in two minutes». This will give you the idea, […]